Chill, don’t flare!
Psoriatic Disease In Winter Weather
Chill, don’t flare!

Winter can worsen symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, due to cold weather, dry air, and less sunlight. Here are some quick tips to help manage your condition during the colder months.

Gene-ius find
DNA Strand Psoriatic Disease Landscape
Gene-ius find

Researchers in Australia have identified a gene called IKBKB that plays a key role in this disease. This scientific discovery has made an exciting breakthrough in understanding psoriasis.

Supporting each other
IFPA WORLD PSO DAY 2024 Logo Purple Orange On White
Supporting each other

World Psoriasis Day 2024 aims to raise awareness about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, emphasising the importance of support and understanding within families.

Change the NHS
Change NHS Survey
Change the NHS

The UK government has launched a significant initiative aimed at revamping the National Health Service (NHS) by engaging the public, NHS staff, and healthcare experts.

World Arthritis Day (WAD)
WAD Logo Cropped
World Arthritis Day (WAD)

For this year’s World Arthritis Day (WAD), the theme is: 'Informed Choices, Better Outcomes'. World Arthritis Day 2024 focuses on the importance of access to accurate information.

Get latest Pso Pscience now
Pso Pscience 6
Get latest Pso Pscience now

This digital download science based newsletter is designed to provide a summary of recently published research.To get a copy sign-in to our Knowledge Bank.

Matters of the mind
Psoriasis And Mental Health In Children
Matters of the mind

Numerous studies have examined the connection between adult-onset psoriasis and its potential to increase the risk for a range of psychological conditions, especially anxiety and depression.

Psoriasis and sudden hearing loss
Psoriasis And Hearing Loss
Psoriasis and sudden hearing loss

It is well known that psoriasis can involve the ear, with scaling, crusting, and itching involving both the external ear and the ear canal.

Reasonable adjustments and schools
Psoriatic Disease UK School And Education
Reasonable adjustments and schools

With the new school term starting, there are often many adjustments that need to be made, particularly when your child starts or enters a new school.

It’s in your genes
Psoriatic Genes
It’s in your genes

Three main pieces of evidence suggest the immune system is involved in psoriatic disease. Genes and the immune system go together, working alongside each other all playing a part in the master plan of our bodies.

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