Restless legs syndrome (RLS) – also known as Wilis-Ekbom Disease - is a condition that causes an irresistible urge to move the legs because they feel uncomfortable.
This science based newsletter is designed to provide a summary of recently published research. In this issue we explore...
Two interesting studies looked at grip strength in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). The first confirming that PSA is associated with poor grip strength when compared with controls and the second showing that grip strength in the patients can be improved with a structured exercise programme.
We were recently alerted to a potential scam regarding a subscription renewal request, in this instance the potential victim did the right thing and contacted recognised organisations to check the validity of the request.
It is normal to feel tired after exertion, insufficient sleep or at the end of the day; this tiredness is usually relieved by rest or sleep. With fatigue associated with psoriatic disease, the symptoms often go beyond normal tiredness.
Do emollients really help psoriasis? After months and sometimes years of applying a vast array of different creams, the patches may still be there - so why bother?
You may find that following a guided programme about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, will help you to learn, understand and cope better with these often-complex conditions.
It's a puzzle to many people, they often wonder whether a condition called geographic tongue, is in fact psoriasis. In theory any part of the body, including inside the mouth, could be affected by psoriasis.
For many people being independent is a vital part of their daily lives. If you have a chronic condition such as psoriatic arthritis or other health problems, then you might be able to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to help you maintain your independence.
NHS England has updated their patient health app, with new features being added. The NHS is running a campaign to encourage more people to use the app in their everyday lives.