Updated inclusion criteria for weight and psoriasis research.
A project is being undertaken at King’s College London called Feelings, Emotions And Behaviours In Weight And Psoriasis. People living with psoriasis often describe weight management as a challenge. Several factors are likely to explain why managing weight alongside psoriasis can be difficult.
Have you considered supporting PAPAA as a good cause? People at PAPAA have been working since the early 1990s to raise awareness and support those affected by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
People with mild to moderate plaque-type psoriasis are needed for a research study. You must be aged 18 to 65 years old and have a confirmed diagnosis for at least 6 months.
Researchers at the Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre have been carrying out qualitative work with patients about facilitators and barrier to vaccination and the perceptions in inflammatory conditions. The following is the lay summary of the findings:
This is a new publication from PAPAA. A science based newsletter which is designed to provide a summary of recently published research.
Read the publication of a PAPAA funded piece of research: Mindful parenting intervention for parents of children with skin conditions: a single group experimental cases series
Do you have something to say about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis? If so, why not submit an article for the PAPAA Forum. You can read those already submitted and submit a reply.
A 4th Year Medical Student at Cardiff University, and with his supervisor is currently working on a project titled “Medical Photographs: Patient perceptions of medical photography of dermatological conditions”. This project has obtained ethical approval by Cardiff University School Research Ethics Committee.
You can now support PAPAA via the Crowdfunding website platform. Our current programme of activities includes our Care, Cause, Cure campaign to support our goal to make a difference and change the view of psoriatic disease forever.
Individuals who have purchased Dermaved Sensitive Cream via the company’s website are being asked to stop using it and return the product after it was found to contain a potent steroid. The MHRA, who issued the recall, has worked to ensure that Dermaved Sensitive Cream is removed from sale.