I have had Psoriasis most of my life (originally diagnosed as childhood eczema then corrected to scalp & skin Psoriasis at age 17), then about 10 years ago I had a problem with what the doctor said was 'recurring tendonitis' in my right foot.
I have all the dates. I used to keep a workout journal, and I was training for a half marathon, and up to running 19 km back in November 2011. I felt a huge cramp in my right buttock while running, but it was a beautiful day, I felt good otherwise and continued.
I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis nearly 5 years ago. I had had lower back pain for many years and put this down to my job as a dental surgeon. Prior to my diagnosis I had seen specialists about problems with my feet, my dry eyes and had also seen a pain specialist
I have been struggling with psoriasis for over 15 years and could control it more or less, about 3 years ago after having trouble with pain within my joints especially my legs .
Who would of thought that I would not be able to return to my favorite sport after a "simple" tumble. Year was 2011 and I had just started a new job in a upscale car dealership. The previous year was a wreck and I needed a fresh start at a big company that did high volume and I wanted a new challenge...
I was a sporty teenager who liked nothing better than running around a hockey pitch or netball court. So when I was 16 and started complaining about feeling unwell in 1980, I was dismissed as being a bit of a hypochondriac.
It was just over 4 years go I got diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. It was a shock, I did not know what was happening. I was a fit person worked since I was 17 and just lost a computer contract and that weekend my symptoms started.
I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis a year after my youngest child was born,25 years ago. I had never heard of the condition, never had psoriasis before. I had been sent to a skin specialist because I had a really itch, flaky scalp.
Like most people I probably had PsA without knowing it for years. About ten years ago I had a very bad knee but just put it down to being an injury as I used to be in the building trade. This would flare up from time to time.
I started getting psoriasis in my late teens. My scalp was a mess and I underwent the usual multitude of skin scrapes, lotions and potions before getting a definitive diagnosis.
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