I am 63 years old. I started to develop small patches of psoriasis on my knees and elbows in my late 20s. By the time I was forty I had a full blown case. I attempted to treat it myself with over the counter cortisone cream. Didn't really do much.
Finally saw a dermatologist and had light treatments and stronger cortisone ointments. That didn't last long either. By the time I was 50 I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I endured the pain as long as I could and was finally referred to a rheumatologist.
She immediately started me on methotrexate and tramadol. The methotrexate cleared my psoriasis within 5 months. She was conservative with the tramadol but at least the pain was manageable. My hubby and I could no longer afford health care and had to give it up.
I was unable to see the rheumatologist anymore and the psoriasis came back with a vengeance. My hubby died and I still can't afford health care. My body is about 75% covered in psoriasis and I'm suffering with the arthritis pain. I'm unable to get out much anymore. This condition has robbed me of many good quality years of my life!!! I was so hoping to see a cure in my lifetime but it's not looking too promising. Thanks for listening!
Submitted by a 63 female living outside the UK