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Trusted sources

It is a strange time that we are all collectively going through, and we hear that we must trust the science and follow the evidence. This is certainly good advice, but amongst that search for truth, it can be difficult to decide what is a trusted source. 

Conspiracy theorists will no doubt suggest “absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence”, which in some cases may be a legitimate point, but should not be the starting point to accept all information presented as 'fact'.

There is some good advice from Sense About Science, which is an independent charity that challenges misrepresentation of science and evidence in public life. They advocate openness and honesty about research, and ensure the public interest in sound science and evidence is recognised in public debates and policymaking.

We are all looking for certainty as a way out of this dire situation, but beware of false hope and look out for trusted sources. On our news page we have an item that we are updating with trusted sources of information about COVID-19, this is a very fluid time, so more than ever keeping well-informed and up-to-date with the latest developments is a good start to coping during this difficult time.




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