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A key to positive thinking

Turning Negatives Of Psorasis And Psoriatic Arthritis Into Positive Actions

Some people with psoriasis report that they feel afraid to enter into new romantic relationships. They actively avoid relationships that may lead to sexual contact. They fear that once the psoriasis is discovered they will be rejected. These fears are often unfounded, as they are usually not based on actual past experience.

To overcome this fear, it is important that you challenge your negative thoughts about forming new relationships.

It may be useful to fill out a thought table. Instead, if there is someone you are attracted to but are too anxious to approach, then maybe it would be useful to try out some relaxation techniques. These may help you to ease this anxiety. To learn more, see our psychological  aspects of psoriasis or you may like to try our interactive eTIPs programme, which is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which is a popular form of psychological therapy. You can also get our printed leaflets and access to our online courses for FREE from our shop

The course focuses on helping you to understand the way you think about a situation and how it affects the way you feel and act. Although CBT may not improve your psoriasis it can help you to learn how to cope and deal with negative thoughts and interact with others in a variety