For a limited period we can offer our Psoriasis in Practice (PiP) training course for Healthcare Professionals, free of charge (usual price £50). PiP is an accredited course worth 10 CPD points towards professional revalidation.
Psoriasis in Practice has been produced and reviewed by specialists in dermatology and rheumatology.
What you will achieve:
You will be able to identify and help the needs of your patients who have psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis by:
- Learning how to understand what psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis means to people and how their quality of life may be comprised
- By being able to recognise that psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are more than just skin and joint conditions
- By knowing how to advise people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to manage their condition
- By recognising when patients need more help and when to refer to specialist services.
At the end of the course there is an online final assessment and on successful completion you will have access to your certificate worth 10 study hours issued by an accredited recognised organisation.
Apply here and indicate that you are applying for a free place. Hurry as Free spaces are limited