Are you aged 18 or over and living with chronic pain? Are you interested in taking part in a FREE online 8-week intervention?
This is research project being carried out by a Masters student, if you are interested please read the details below:
“My name is Charlotte and I am a Masters student in Health Psychology from the University of West London. I am looking for volunteers to take part in a study to assess the impact of sophrology, an alternative treatment, for people living with chronic pain.
Sophrology blends relaxation, breathing, gentle movements, visualisation and voice to lead to a state of dynamic relaxation, which has been shown to have many benefits including improving quality of life, reducing pain, improving sleep, and reducing stress.
By signing up, you will be asked to complete three questionnaires at three time points, and will be given the opportunity to take part in a free 8-week sophrology programme.
If you are interested in taking part, then please click the link below to find out more information.”