Research project looking for parents of children with psoriasis who live in South Yorkshire.
A group of researchers based at The University of Sheffield (U.K), would like to invite parents of children with psoriasis to take part in a free 9-week mindfulness course. The course is designed to reduce stress and improve wellbeing.
They are looking for individuals who live in the South Yorkshire area, as all mindfulness sessions will take place in the centre of Sheffield. Each session will last for approximately 3 hours. Participants will be asked to complete some questionnaires before, during, and after the course. We would also like to interview participants at the end of the course about their experiences.
In addition to receiving a free mindfulness course by a qualified mindfulness teacher, participants who are interviewed will also be given £25 cash as compensation for their time. Some travel expenses will also be reimbursed.
If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail Connor Heapy at: [email protected]
The research team:
Dr Connor Heapy, Research Associate ([email protected])
Dr Andrew Thompson, Reader in Clinical Psychology (Project Principal Investigator)
Dr Lisa-Marie Emerson, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
Professor Paul Norman, Professor of Health Psychology