The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has set up a Commission to look at how pharmacy services are integrated into the reformed NHS in England. As part of this work the Commission will explore how innovative models of care have and can be developed.
To contribute to the debate about what pharmacy services could and should look like in the future, RPS is holding a half day event where they will be using examples of integrated pharmacy services that are already helping patients make the most of medicines to frame and identify opportunities for the future.
The event will be Chaired by Dr Judith Smith, Director of Policy at the Nuffield Trust and Chair of the RPS Commission. The meeting is for patients, doctors, nurses, other health and social care professionals, and commissioners as well as pharmacists. If you are interested in going along to a stimulating discussion about what the future of pharmacy services might look like please contact: [email protected]
The meeting will be held at the University of Manchester on 1 May (9.30am - 1.30pm).
To find out more about the Commission take a look at the RPS website www.rpharms.com or follow on twitter #RPSFutureModels.