A workshop that forms part of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Commission that has been set up to look at how pharmacy services are integrated into the reformed NHS in England.
To contribute to the debate about what pharmacy services could and should look like in the future, the RPS are holding a half-day event in Birmingham where they will be discussing innovative pharmacy services and ideas for what might need to happen to enable pharmacy to be integrated more into care delivery .
The event will be Chaired by Dr Judith Smith, Director of Policy at the Nuffield Trust and Chair of the RPS Future Models of Care Commission. The meeting is for patients, doctors, nurses, managers, other health and social care professionals, and commissioners as well as pharmacists.
The discussion will feed into the final analysis and conclusions of the Commission, which is due to report in November 2013.
The meeting will be held at the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC), University of Birmingham on 10 September (building G19 Park House) from 10.00am - 2.00pm.
To find out more, contact Yvonne Dennington ([email protected]).
To find out more about the Commission look go to www.rpharms.com or follow on twitter #RPSFutureModels.