Diagnostic tools

What's used to monitor psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis?
When you develop a condition such as psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, you may wonder once the diagnosis is made, how severity is assessed and how effectiveness of treatments (efficacy) are measured. This is particularly important when deciding to change a treatment.
There are a number of ways your healthcare provider (HCP) will assess your psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and may include the following:
Measuring psoriasis
- BSA (Body Surface Area)
- CDLQI (The Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index)
- DLQI (Dermatology Quality of Life Index)
- LS-PGA (Lattice System Physician’s Global Assessment)
- PASI (Psoriasis Area, and Severity Index)
- PEST (Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool)
- PGA (Physician’s Global Assessment)
- PSI (Psoriasis Symptom Inventory)
- SAPASI (Self Administered PASI)
- sPGA (The static Physician Global Assessment)
- sPGA-G (Static Physician's Global Assessment of Genitalia)
- SPI (Salford Psoriasis Index)
Measuring psoriatic arthritis
- ASDAS (AS Disease Activity Score)
- BASDAI (The Bath AS Disease Activity Index)
- CASPAR (Classification Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis)
- CPDAI (The Composite Psoriatic Disease Activity Index)
- DAPSA (Disease activity in PsA)
- DAS28 (Disease Activity Score)
- LEI (The Leeds Enthesitis Index)
- LDI (The Leeds Dactylitis Instrument)
- MDA (The minimal disease activity)
- PASDAS (The PsA Disease Activity Score)
- PROMs (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures)
- PsAID12 and PsAIDI9 (The Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease)
- TSQM (The Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication)
- WPAI (The Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire)
Some of these measurement tools, may only be used in specialist settings or for research trials.
Most are used to assess severity and to see if a treatment has improved the condition and symptoms.
Source references:
- International Psoriasis Council: Psoriasis Measurement Tools [accessed 1 October 2020]
- Tucker LJ, Coates LC, Helliwell PS. Assessing Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Literature Review. Rheumatology and therapy, 2019 6(1), 23–32.